Willow Ranch CCDD Facility
The Willow Ranch CCDD Facility is located
on Joliet Road about 1 mile south of the intersection of I-55 and I-355 in Romeoville (Lemont), Illinois.
What is Clean Construction and Demolition Debris (CCDD)?
CCDD is defined by the Illinois EPA as mixtures of soil, concrete, rock, asphalt and or brick generated from construction or demolition activities. The Willow Ranch CCDD site also accepts loads that are solely dirt, asphalt, concrete, brick, or rock. Concrete must not have any protruding metal bars. No waste, garbage material, wood, landscape waste or chemicals are permitted. All loads require pre-approval paperwork before they can be received at the Facility.
What is a CCDD Facility?
CCDD facilities are not landfills. Only inert materials can be accepted. CCDD facilities are a valuable resource in Illinois where construction activities generated more excavated soils than can be used on site.
A CCDD facility is typically developed in an older quarry that has reached the end of its life as a mine. By depositing environmentally inert material in these other quarries as clean fill, air space at landfills is preserved. In addition, once an entire quarry is filled, the reclaimed land can be developed for re-use as commercial, industrial, or residential property.
What Regulations Govern CCDD?
The State of Illinois recently adopted 35 Illinois Administrative Code 1100 to govern and permit CCDDl
facilities. In addition, Public Act 094-0725 added regulations to the Illinois Environmental Protection Act to
govern CCDD facilities. In general, the State requires the operator of a facility to maintain records containing
the site generators name, generating site address, and haulers identity. In addition, all loads must be screened using a photo-ionization detector and visual examination.
Land and Lakes Company CCDD Operating Procedures:
Because CCDD materials are a valuable resource and contaminated materials can jeopardize the future of the land, Land and Lakes Company pre-screens all incoming materials to ensure that only acceptable material is allowed into the site.
All materials must be pre-approved before arrival at the Willow Ranch CCDD Facility. Only after an approval number is issued should materials be delivered to the site. Once at the site, every load will be subject to screening by a photo ionization detector and visual screening. Random loads are re-checked upon disposal. Any non-conforming material will be rejected and reloaded at the customer’s expense.
How to Get Started:
Application. All customers must complete an application form describing the materials, the expected number of loads and duration of the job, and certify that materials comply with CCDD regulations. The application must be signed by a duly authorized officer of the customer. The Land and Lakes application is available in the Forms section of this website.
Residential generating locations: Customers should supply a completed IEPA form, the LPC-662, plus a pH test result for the generating location. The LPC-662 form is available in the Forms section of this website.
Commercial generating locations: Customers should supply a completed IEPA form, the LPC-663, signed by a professional engineer or professional geologist who certifies that the materials meet the definition of CCDD. In addition, supporting documentation such as laboratory analytical test results and consultant reports will be required. The LPC-663 form is available in the Forms Section of this website.
These are the minimum documents required for pre-approval. Land and Lakes reserves the right to request additional information to ensure that the material is suitable for receipt at the Willow Ranch CCDD Facility.
Our Environmental Compliance Department and Sales Managers are available to answer any questions you may have regarding clean fill materials or special pricing for large jobs.